When we count our blessings from this weekend we will be counting up to 998! That’s for the 998 bags of groceries that were collected by the Rotary Club of Forked River during their Annual Day of Giving Food Drive to benefit the Lacey Food Bank! For the past 6 years, members of the Rotary have set up camp outside of Walmart the Saturday before Thanksgiving asking arriving shoppers to shop and then drop a can or two into their waiting carts. And drop they did!! Breaking all sorts of records, this year it took nearly 69 volunteer hours to sort and shelve Saturday’s donation. And if all those beautiful cans and boxes weren’t enough, the Walmart shoppers sweetened Saturday’s effort by dropping $670 in the collection jar! Thank You to the Board and Members of the Rotary Club of Forked River for this amazing day of putting Service into Action, Thank You to the Shoppers of Walmart for your overwhelming response, and Thank You to our amazing volunteers for staying with it until it was all put away!! (Photo courtesy of Tracey Carpe a Forked River Rotarian)
~ Laura Caroccia