LACEY MOOSE LODGE 1907 is part of the Loyal Order of Moose—an international organization of Men & Women dedicated to caring for children, seniors and community. Nowhere was that more apparent than at last Saturday’s Township Appreciation BBQ! An uncertain weather forecast did little to deter this community minded group from distributing $22,000 to the Bamber, Forked River & Lanoka Harbor Fire Departments, The Lacey Municipal Police Foundation, The Forked River and Lanoka Harbor EMS Squads, The Lacey Dive Team, The Lacey Municipal Alliance, The Lacey Food Bank, Lacey VetWorks and Popcorn Park Zoo. The Women of the Moose provided an additional donation of $500 to the Pop Corn Park Zoo! The Lacey Food Bank with Storemaster Dick Sansone representing was also the recipient of more than 6 overflowing shopping carts of non-perishable food donations! The Loyal Order of the Moose is all about celebrating, serving and supporting their local community and Lacey Food Bank is proud and thankful for their friendship and support!