Throughout the year we recognize those people and groups who keep us going – with donations and with their goodwill. But if I were to go back in the history of the Lacey Food Bank there would be an elite group of supporters who have stood with us from the beginning. And so this year, Chairman Harold Peters made the rounds to offer our Thanks and Appreciation to the Municipal Departments that have helped form the Lacey Food Bank from our early days operating out of an old trailer to our present home on Station Drive. Thank You to our Township Administrator, Veronica Laureigh, whose office and the entire Municipal staff have always been at the ready to provide us with any assistance we might need. Thank You to Lacey Recreation’s Jim Wioland and Ryan Horne (pictured) who have unfailingly – every month – delivered food to our homebound clients. And Thank You Lacey Department of Public Works, Robert Kraska, whose staff for years were the moving force that would truck up to 3 tons of food from the food bank building to Community Hall for client distribution. Thank You and Happy New Year Lacey Township Administration, Departments and Staff – with your support we are able to continue to grow and serve our Community!
~ Laura Caroccia