Sea Breeze amazes us! They donate to us weekly and we couldn’t be happier! We are blessed by their generosity!
LFBKids Summer Distribution Update!
UPDATE – It was just shy of 10am and nearly 84 degrees when we closed up shop, but we were able to provide our LFBKids with the Summer necessities such as Sunscreen, Aloe, Bug Repellent, First Aid Kits, Antiseptic Wipes, Lip Balm, Lotions and Instant Ice Packs. Their parents/caregivers also had the opportunity to select […]
Cooling Areas in Ocean County
Ocean County has a number of cooling centers available. If you are in need of a place to stay cool this summer, please visit one of the following below. ~ Laura Caroccia
LFB Kids Summer Safety and Summer Fun
With the end of the school year and the hot, lazy, hazy days of Summer almost here, the LFBKids Volunteers are prepping for our SummerSafety/SummerFun distribution scheduled for June 20th (at the regular food distribution). While our Kids are excited that it’sfinally time to be outdoors, at the beach or park or campgrounds, our LFBKids […]
Thank you Lacey Elks
Thank you Lacey Elks for filling another bin with donations. We are blessed by your continued support!
Thank You, Rose from LFB Kids!
Like Santa’s Elves who work all year long to get ready for their really, Really, REALLY BIG DAY, the LFBKids Volunteers and the wonderful people and businesses and community and sports groups who support our LFB Kids Mission and our commitment, work all year to Keep the Promises we made to our LFBKids some 15 […]
WLTS TV produced a documentary about us
Please view the short documentary that the students created from Lacey Township High School. They did such an impressive job! Click here to view the documentary on YouTube!
Sadie Vickers Resource Center
SADIE VICKERS RESOURCE CENTER (SVRC)SVRC connects people in need to supporting programs that address their unique needs. We currently partner with 14 organizations across Ocean & Monmouth County to provide support for common issues impacting home owners, veterans, men, women, children and seniors. We are here to connect you to the support you need through […]
LFBKids project – Gardening Basics
We have a special project on tap for the Lacey Food Bank April distribution. The Lacey Food Bank Kids Volunteers will be distributing, while they last, the very basic of home gardening supplies! Just growing something, whether to eat or simply for its beauty, results in a sense of pride and accomplishment. We’d like to […]
LFBKids Project Easter
Our LFBKids Project Easter hippity-hopped over to today’s regular food distribution and not only had a sweet treat for the Kids but surprised all of our clients with Easter sweets for EVERYONE!! And those sweets and treats, handed out by Rosa Steitz (pictured here) and I were greeted with even sweeter smiles of gratitude and […]