Often when we use the phrase “a force to be reckoned with” we’re referring to someone whose influence or ability deserves to be respected. But in this case, this Force, Lacey Force, is a Team! Winners on and off the field, Lacey Soccer went above and beyond in responding to our call for picnic supplies […]
Lacey Woman’s Club donations for June
Woman’s Club for June:80 cans of tuna6 Miscellaneous Running total for 2022:Cans of Tuna = 471Miscellaneous = 147 Thank you for all that you do to support and make sure no one in Lacey Twp. goes to sleep hungry!
Thanks Shore Green Landscape & Design
Just 1 day ago I posted on my personal page how our Food Bank Veggie Garden “The Garden of Hope”, the Eagle Scout Project of Kyle Wollman, had suffered from neglect during the pandemic. With limited volunteers during those early days of covid, gardening was forced to take a back seat on the list of […]
Thank You, Land of Oz
We are getting closer to our goal of providing the fixins’ for a July 4th celebration for all our LFB Client Families. Checking in with a trunkful of summer staples are the Students, Staff, and Families from Land of Oz Learning Center in Forked River. Under the direction of Pam DePasquale, the Land of Oz […]
Picnic Celebration Extras – Thank you Whartons
Community response to our request for picnic/bbq supplies leaves us in awe of the goodness of so many of our Lacey neighbors. Kym and Michele Wharton spotted our flyer on a Facebook post and set about collecting the extra fixins’ we need to supply our families with a July 4th picnic celebration. Thank You Kym […]
LTHS Students, Families, and Staff – THANKS
Even though the school year is winding down for students and teachers alike, and thoughts are now focused on year-end testing and graduation and summer plans, the LTHS SGA organized just one more school-wide food drive! And it was a resounding success with 7 filled shopping carts of food dropped off to us this week. […]
Seabreeze & Michael B – Thank you!
Michael Barbuto, a resident of Seabreeze, was in Shoprite recently and struck up a conversation with our Storemaster, Dick Sansone. And before you can say Lacey Food Bank a new volunteer was in the making!! Not only did Michael Barbuto volunteer but he also took on the challenge of helping us fill our barbecue wish […]
2022 Volunteer Luncheon
The Annual Lacey Food Bank Volunteer Luncheon provides the Executive Board of the Food Bank an opportunity to say Thank You to the people who make what we do for the community look easy. Thank You, Volunteers!!!
Home Depot – Thank you
Since the very first day they opened the doors, the Management and Staff of the Forked River Home Depot have been Partners in Caring – and Sharing – with the Lacey Food Bank. Over the years, we have counted on Management and Staff to lend a hand with our Christmas Kids Drive and with food […]
Woman’s Club of Lacey May 2022
95 cans – Tuna16 Miscellaneous Running total for 2022:Cans of Tuna = 391Miscellaneous = 141 Thank you for all that you do to support and make sure no one in Lacey Twp. goes to sleep hungry!