School may be winding down but the Lacey Township High School Interact Club – a youth organization of the Rotary Club of Forked River continues to practice Service Above Self right up to the last few days! Supporters of the Lacey Food Bank Kids throughout the year the Interact Students. under the leadership of their […]
2023 Volunteer Luncheon
We are nothing without volunteers and today was our volunteer luncheon! We gathered today for some great food, great laughs, great prizes, and great memories! Thank you to Co-Chair Pete Peters for organizing, Rev. Paul for our opening prayer, our volunteer of the year, Frank Lyons, Eagle Scout, Nicholas Fatigate, Donna McAvoy for our fun […]
Lacey Woman’s Club donations for June 2023
Woman’s Club for June:107 cans of tuna18 Miscellaneous 2023 Totals:Tuna: 524Misc: 136 + an entire shopping cart of various items Thank you for all that you do to support and make sure no one in Lacey Twp. goes to sleep hungry!
Girls Scouts Donate 81 Bags of Food
Our little friends, Girl Scout Troops 82 & 375, took a tour of our Food Bank today and brought us 81 bags of food! We are very grateful for all their donations!
SeaBreeze Fills another Bin
Thank you Sea Breeze AGAIN! Your generosity to our community makes us so happy that our shelves are getting filled for distribution!
First Aid kits and lip balms
While the Littles of our Client Families are daydreaming about long, hot, lazy summer days playing outside or at the lake, some of our already strapped families are wondering how they will manage the extra costs the inevitable boo-boos and ouchies will bring. Something as simple as a box of band-aids could wreck a weekly […]
Two full bins from Lacey Elks!
Thank you to the Lacey Elks for collecting two bins full of donations. We appreciate all they do for our community.
Lanoka Harbor Walmart
This morning, we met with Will Ferguson, Manager, of the Lanoka Harbor Walmart to receive a Walmart Community Grant in the amount of $1,000.00 that will go toward offsetting some of the costs of our Summer Safety and our Back2School purchases. The Walmart Community Grant Program is funded by the Walmart Foundation and is awarded […]
LFB Kids Thank you!
We often post photos of donations. We love posting pics of school supplies or chocolate bunnies or overflowing Christmas bags. Our goal has always been to acknowledge (when we know and can) the generous donors that help us DO for the children. And then there are the donations that come to us in the mail. […]
Volunteers CPR Training
A productive Wednesday evening! CPR training with Tim from Lanoka Harbor EMS…. Some of us were recertified and some of us are certified for the first time! Thank you Lacey Food Bank Chairman, Pete Peters for organizing it. May we never need it…