So many times we don’t get a photo and sometimes we don’t even get a name but all the time we are grateful for those of you who remember our Kids at Christmas and throughout the year. Here are just a few of our photo-less Santa’s Helpers who have helped to make this year’s journey […]
LFBKids thank Lacey Weichert Realty Office
Santa’s helpers at the Lacey Weichert Realty Office will be available Saturday & Sunday from 9 am-3 pm to accept your donations to the Keep the Promise of Christmas Campaign for the Lacey Food Bank Kids🎄#lfbkids #keepingthepromise #christmas2023 ~ Laura Caroccia
LFBKids Thank the Schmiegels
Putting a brand new spin on Christmas photo ops, Liza Schmiegel & John Schmiegel’s Pop Up Nautical Christmas was so inviting that even the Grinch stopped by to have his photo taken! And when the day was done, there were lots and lots of toys for the girls and boys of the Lacey Food Bank […]
LFBKids thank New Concepts Hair Salon
For 10 years New Concepts Hair Salon has been a friend and supporter of the LFBKids at Christmastime and all through the year. From the earliest days of “Keeping the Promise of Christmas”, Christine Marino, her Staff and Clients have stepped up and filled our donation bin with Christmas Joy for the children we serve. […]
Each Stitch Counts
Thank you for the dish detergent from Debbie at Each Stitch Counts. Their mission is to alleviate hygiene insecurity by providing food pantries with dish detergent. Containers of dish detergent include a handmade dishcloth donated by crafter volunteers. We sincerely appreciate all you do to help us help others! #gratefullandblessed
Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Toms River
Thank you Friends of the Food Bank, Meghan, and Nancy From Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Toms River!We appreciate the carts of food you donated to us! #gratefulthankfulblessed
Amazing!!! Sea Breeze!
Amazing can not describe all that Sea Breeze has done for us this year. Besides weekly donations throughout the year, today they presented us with more food and a check for $2910.00. We are so thankful to Judy and Kathy and all the residents at SeaBreeze!!!
Lacey’s football and cheerleading teams
Thank you to the Lacey Township football and cheerleading teams for choosing The Lacey Food Bank as their beneficiary again this year. They presented a check to Donna McAvoy for $2835.00. Pictured are Mr. Touchdown John Mariconda and Hannah Sampson who raised the most money. Great job to everyone involved in this fundraiser!
Thanksgiving distribution
We had our Thanksgiving distribution, and thanks to the generosity of our community, we were able to fill our shelves for our clients. We wanted to share pictures of what our shelves looked like so everyone could see that their donations make a difference!
Boy Scout service project
Again this year Boy Scout Troops 35 and 156 collected an amazing amount of food for us! 98 bags total! Thank you to everyone who participated in this service project!