While they didn’t get a chance to parade up Lacey Road last year because of Covid, this year saw the return of the Lacey Christmas Parade that has been a township tradition since 1985. Sponsored by Lacey Lodge #2518 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, the Parade stepped off from the Lacey United Methodist Church and headed west on Lacey Road ending at the Township Municipal Building, where Santa himself made an appearance at the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony! Along the way, the Antlers, the youth group of the Elks, were very busy collecting donations for the Lacey Food Bank! By the time they reached Town Hall they had collected 6 shopping carts full ! Merry Christmas and Thank You Lacey Elks and Antlers for this great Hometown Christmas Tradition and Thank You Lacey Township for your continuing support!
~ Laura Caroccia