In light of the current social restrictions, we will not be in a position to offer our usual LFB Kids Christmas Gift Shop Distribution allowing parents and caregivers the opportunity for finding the just-right gifts for our client children. Instead, our goal is to give each child a gift card to a local retailer (Walmart, Kohls or Target) and a Christmas gift bag containing a few basic necessities, a family size puzzle (for some family fun on those winter days when everyone is stuck in the house) and a few pre-packed Christmas sweets becauseā¦.because it’s Christmas!! Please friends, it’s Christmas,
Puzzles need to be New and Unopened and contain 300 – 500 pieces (or more). If you were thinking of making a contribution to the LFBKIds Christmas Campaign, please reach out to me or any of the LFBKids Committee Volunteers. Thank You!! (NB: The LFBKids receives no funding from the Lacey Food Bank for the projects and programs undertaken for the children. Any monetary donations to benefit the children must be specifically marked for the LFBKids)
~ Laura Caroccia