Our EASTER LFBKids distribution will be on March 16. A lot earlier than usual since Easter falls before our regular April distribution. Donations of Easter goodies such as Grass or Shred, Egg Coloring Kits along with the usual Easter candy favorites (all individually wrapped please!) of jelly beans, marshmallow eggs, chocolate bunnies, marshmallow bunnies, Hershey kisses, etc would be appreciated by our Littles (and, YES when we can we share with our not so Littles – Our Senior Citizens have a sweet tooth too!!) . Donations can be dropped off at the Lacey Food Bank any Monday to Saturday from 10am-Noon up to March 13th. Please make sure you mark your donation for the LFBKids Easter to the attention of Laura/LFBKids. Happy Spring to us All!!
Laura Caroccia