As the Lacey Food Bank moves forward to becoming a more choice-oriented food pantry our needs and procedures must move forward as well. So you can imagine our excitement when this Produce Refrigerator was delivered and installed thanks to a Fulfilll grant! More than ever Fulfill NJ, through its grants and programs is enabling us to do more to assist and meet the needs of our client families. Thank You Fulfill NJ!! For many years, we have also been the recipients of a fresh produce program sponsored by the Forked River Presbyterian Church and their Hunger Action Team. Thanks to this partnership, we have been able to offer our families a choice of fresh produce and now, we can keep it fresher, and longer with the proper temperature controls! Less waste equals more choice, better nutrition, and happy families! Pictured is this month’s variety of freshness that our clients are able to choose from ~ isn’t it a beautiful sight!