After weeks of preparations and support the Lacey Food Bank Kids Volunteers yesterday Welcomed the Season of JOY !!! Thank You to our volunteers, Rosa Steitz, Elaine & Bob Brueckmann, Judy Ryan, Jourdan Ryan, Jack Ryan, Deb & Glenn Candeletti, Sandra Robbins, Andrea & Ed Flaherty, Maryann Pietruska, Judy Hickerson, Kathy & Vince Verdicchio, Jaime Pluto, and her team, Keena Freschette and her Interact Students, Doreen Padovani, Jane Rispo, Rev Paul Quevedo, the Employees of Ryan’s Servicenter, Lorraine Campbell, Michael Talarico and especially William Madden who spent 2 days moving, sorting, packing and distributing. We are so very thankful for the many gifts that were donated to our Keeping the Promise of Christmas campaign. We wish there was a way to know and acknowledge everyone! We are blessed every year with a generous donation of gift cards from a friend and long-time benefactor Brian Swanke of CWR Electronics. Several years ago, a chance encounter in Walmart early one morning introduced us to William Madden and despite a busy work schedule he once again came to our rescue with the means to transport our donations from our storage and the food bank to the Hall! Thank you to Louisa Kasper for helping us meet and beat our 1000 sock goal through a generous donation from the Southern Regional Schools and the Women of the Lacey Moose. Thank You to Jaime Pluto & Friends who took us over the top with this year’s toys and games, Thank You to Sharon McVay from the Forked River Presbyterian Church who 15 years ago was part of our 1stKids Christmas project and who continues to support our Children. We are blessed to have the friendship of the Lacey Moose, the Fish Hawks, the Women’s Club of the Forked River Tuna Club, Sea Breeze (who made a personal Christmas wish come true), Lacey Soccer, The Captains Inn, Weichert Realty, New Concepts Hair Salon, the Gold Star Mothers, Hooah Cleaning Services, the Employees & Contractors at HOLTEC, Lacey Department of Public Works and Cathy D’Anduono from the Lacey Municipal Clerks Office and so many other organizations and supporters that come to our rescue every Christmas. Huge personal Thank You to Jenna & Dan Scheer, Louisa Rebecca Kasper, Jaime Pluto, Debbie Abrahamovic Kay, Judy Ryan , Brian Swanke, George Broome and my cousin Vinny – your generosity continues to inspire us to continue to grow our programs for the Kids. Our registered families received a generous gift card and filled Christmas stocking for each child along with a large bag filled with toys and necessities for each as well as a Night Before Christmas Bag and a Christmas Morning Breakfast Bag. Whew! That’s a lot of bags that Santa won’t have to carry down the chimney this year!
We could only wish to be able to thank each and every one of you who helped us Keep the Promise of Christmas to the Lacey Food Bank Kids. Please know that we and the children are grateful for what you so freely give in the real spirit of Christmas. ~
From the Lacey Food Bank Kids Volunteers and the 83 Children we serve … We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!
~ Laura Caroccia